Annual Community Shred Day Success
Rudler, PSC and the City of Fort Wright joint Community Shred Day!
Thank you to our clients and community in your support of our annual shred day, a joint event put on by Rudler and the City of Fort Wright!
Through your participation, we are up to two Shred It mobile units and collected over $200 in donations for Shop with a Cop.
Thank you to our volunteers: Erin Mauch, Greg Lamping, Jon Peul, Gail Ohr, Kendra Anderson, Jane Frances, Alex Weidner, John Wood, Audrey Goetz and Tami Lawson and her helpers for transferring participants' documents from their vehicle to the Shred-it mobile unit and breaking down storage boxes for recycling. Also, thank you to Police Chief Ed Butler and Fire/EMS Chief Stephen Schewe and their volunteers from the City of Fort Wright for hosting the event. This day would not be possible without your involvement and support!
Special thanks to the Kenton County Public Works for the cardboard recycling bin and to Bob and Brad, our Shred It truck drivers!