Jenna Polston, Senior Accountant

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Our Professional Team

Jenna Polston, Senior Accountant

What would you do upon realizing the training for your first choice for a career isn’t exactly matching your expectations? If you’re Jenna Polston, you try something else … And if that, too, doesn’t work, hopefully you will discover an even better third option like she did.

“When I went to college, I was an elementary education major for my first two years. But as I got deeper into the program, I realized it just wasn’t what I wanted to do,” Jenna recalls. “I ended up switching to marketing because it was a broad major, which required me to take an accounting class. A lot of my friends would complain about the class – they hated it – but it came very natural to me … I took that as a sign that maybe this is the path for me."

Now that she is working as a senior accountant for Rudler, PSC, it’s safe to say she made the right decision, which is great news to the firm and all the clients she happily serves.

A Northern Kentucky native who earned her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Northern Kentucky University (NKU), Jenna has been a part of the Rudler team since her co-op in 2017. After staying in Northern Kentucky for a year after graduating, she now works remotely in Tallahassee, Fla., specializing in preparing business tax returns on behalf of Rudler’s clients.

Jenna is grateful Rudler afforded her the opportunity to work remotely following her husband, Derick, taking on a new job in Florida. She also enjoys the schedule flexibility the company has provided her as it allows the couple to enjoy their latest role as the parents of baby girl they recently welcomed to their family.

Given the importance of family to her personally, being able to find a professional one who values that as well has had a lasting impact on her career, too.

“I talked to Rudler at a ‘Meet the Firms’ event at NKU. I remember highlighting them among the firms there, thinking ‘Hey, make sure you talk to this table. They talked about being a family versus a lot of places that were just, ‘This is what you have to do during tax season,’” she says. “I feel very valued here. Rudler’s team reassures me that they appreciate the work that I do, no matter how many miles away I am.”


Northern Kentucky University
Bachelor of Science in Accounting


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Jenna Polston
Senior Accountant