Is your independent contractor truly an independent contractor?

Independent contractors can serve as a valuable resource and as a potential cost savings measure, especially in these times of staff shortages and inflationary pressures. If you use independent contractors though, be careful that these workers are properly classified for federal tax purposes. If the IRS reclassifies them as employees, it can be an expensive […]

Best practices for addressing pay equity

Now more than ever the issue of pay equity is being called out for businesses. As a business it is important to fully understand what pay equity is and thoroughly respond to it to make sure your practices are aligned. First, fully understanding what pay equity is and whether and how it’s played out at […]

Business losses don’t have to be a total loss

Business losses can happen whether you are a new business or it’s just been a tough year, but if/when they do, these losses may help you in future years to relieve some of your tax burden. The federal tax code allows businesses to apply prior year losses to offset taxable income in future years, subject […]

Collecting Receivables: Collect Those $Dollar Signs$

Every business owner wants to see a good accounts receivable turnover, but it’s not always easy. Collections can be particularly challenging for business-to-business (B2B) operations, which often find themselves in complex relationships with key customers that aren’t quite as simple as “pay up or hit the road.” Here are six tried-and-true strategies for increasing your […]

What counts as a qualified medical expense now-a-days?

ATTENTION all taxpayers that itemize on their individual income tax return: The IRS recently issued some frequently asked questions addressing when certain costs are qualified medical expenses for federal income tax purposes. Basic rules and IRS clarifications You can claim an itemized deduction for qualified medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. […]

Use the fear of student debt to your advantage

Two things are true in todays society: it’s hard to find good help and no one likes to be in debt. Offering an education assistance program could be the answer. An education assistance program allows employees to continue learning and perhaps earn a degree with financial assistance from their employers. It’s a way to keep […]

Is your business taking utlizing HSAs to their full advantage?

Inflation has been a hot topic in the news for months, which has caused growing concerns within the business industry. Most business owners are keeping a close eye on costs. Costs that are related to mission-critical functions such as overhead and materials can be difficult to control. However, you might find some budge room in […]