With the year coming to a close, now is the perfect time to consider your finances and explore effective tax strategies. One effective way to reduce potential estate taxes and show generosity to loved ones is by giving cash gifts before December 31.
Under tax law, you can gift a certain amount each year without incurring gift taxes or requiring a gift tax return.

Taking advantage of this rule can help you reduce the size of your taxable estate while benefiting your family and friends.
Taxpayers can transfer substantial amounts, free of gift taxes, to their children or other recipients each year through the proper use of the annual exclusion. The exclusion amount is adjusted for inflation annually, and in 2024 is $18,000. It covers gifts that an individual makes to each recipient each year. So a taxpayer with three children can transfer $54,000 ($18,000 × 3) to the children this year, free of federal gift taxes. If the only gifts during a year are made this way, there’s no need to file a federal gift tax return. If annual gifts exceed $18,000 per recipient, the exclusion covers the first $18,000 and only the excess is taxable.
Note: This discussion isn’t relevant to gifts made to a spouse because they’re gift-tax-free under separate marital deduction rules.
Married taxpayers can split gifts
If you’re married, gifts made during a year can be treated as split between the spouses, even if the cash or asset is given to an individual by only one of you. Therefore, by gift splitting, up to $36,000 a year can be transferred to each recipient by a married couple because two exclusions are available. For example, a married couple with three married children can transfer $216,000 ($36,000 × 6) each year to their children and the children’s spouses.
If gift splitting is involved, both spouses must consent to it. This is indicated on the gift tax return (or returns) that the spouses file. (If more than $18,000 is being transferred by a spouse, a gift tax return must be filed, even if the $36,000 exclusion covers the total gifts.)
More rules to consider
Even gifts that aren’t covered by the exclusion may not result in a tax liability. That’s because a tax credit wipes out the federal gift tax liability on the first taxable gifts you make in your lifetime, up to $13.61 million in 2024. However, to the extent you use this credit against a gift tax liability, it reduces or eliminates the credit available for use against the federal estate tax at your death.
For a gift to qualify for the annual exclusion, it must be a “present interest” gift, meaning you can’t postpone the recipient’s enjoyment of the gift to the future. Other rules may apply. Contact your Rudler, PSC advisor with questions at 859-331-1717. Rudler can a prepare a gift tax return for you if you give more than $18,000 (or $36,000 if married) to a single person this year or make a split gift.
RUDLER, PSC CPAs and Business Advisors
This week's Rudler Review is presented by Grant Haubner, Staff Accountant and Gina Earle, CPA.
If you would like to discuss your particular situation, contact Grant or Gina at 859-331-1717.

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