Will you owe “nanny tax” this year?

Parents who normally depend on daycare centers or summer camps for childcare are now hiring personal nannies and babysitters due their normal childcare facilities closures from COVID-19. What some parents may not know is that this may result in federal “nanny tax” obligations. Keep in mind that the nanny tax may apply to all household […]

PPP loans and its possible tax consequences

If you are a small business owner, chances are you are one of many who took advantage of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan due to the COVID-19 crisis. Although this loan will help many businesses stay open during this time, it is important to be aware of the potential tax implications. PPP basics The […]

Key things to consider when it comes to your group life insurance

Group life insurance can be an added bonus to take advantage of if offered in your benefits package through your employer. However, be sure to pay close attention to the type of coverage offered. If the coverage is higher than $50,000, this employee benefit may create undesirable income tax consequences for you. “Phantom income” The […]

Filing Requirements: Cash and Cash Equivalents

Does your business receive large amounts of cash or cash equivalents? Read on to find out if you are required to submit forms to the IRS and how. Filing requirements Each person engaged in a trade or business who, in the course of operating, receives more than $10,000 in cash in one transaction, or in […]

Ensure your student’s scholarship is tax free!

College may look very different this coming semester with our continuing adaptation to COVID-19. However, many students will be returning or just starting their collegiate journey’s. If your child earned themselves a scholarship, first and foremost, celebrate! Second, let’s make sure this scholarship does not turn into tax burden for them or yourself. Scholarships (and […]

Why doesn’t your partnership income on your tax return match the income in your bank account?

Have you even wondered why the income reported on your tax return for your partnership doesn’t really correlate with the cash you were distributed throughout the tax year? Why is this? The answer lies in the way partnerships and partners are taxed. Unlike regular corporations, partnerships aren’t subject to income tax. Instead, each partner is […]