IRS audits were down for 2020 but may be on the rise

Even though the IRS just released statistics showing that fewer returns were audited for the 2020 fiscal year compared to prior years, the IRS will still examine thousands of returns this year. With proper planning, you may fare well even if you’re one of the unlucky ones.   Latest statistics Overall, just 0.5% of individual […]

The advantages of the Critical Path Method in IT projects

Regarding business technology, the only sure thing is that change is the main constant. That is why companies need to regularly undertake IT projects such as developing custom software or upgrading network infrastructure. One potential solution to keeping IT projects on schedule and within budget is to follow an approach called the critical path method […]

Are your company’s job descriptions helping or hindering?

Many companies will write an initial job description, and never update it again even as roles change. These lack of updates however can lead to problems. Therefore you want to make sure your job descriptions are the best that they can be.   Inaccurate or incomplete job descriptions can prove to be a hinderance in […]

Making the most of your medical expenses.

Medicare premiums, as well as other medical expenses, can be expensive. However, you may be able to find some relief for your payments in the form of tax deductions.   Medicare premiums are medical expenses You can combine premiums for Medicare health insurance with other qualifying medical expenses for purposes of claiming an itemized deduction […]